Shimmer Hair Spa is at 206 High St. Maryville on the corners of High St, Court St and hwy 321
Most you will find on the shelves at Shimmer Hair Spa but the various companies websites may have more to offer than what the salon carries currently.
Keyano Aromatics has been devoted to the manufacture of one of the most environmentally conscious products on the market today since 1990. They reject animal testing and the use of animal products for ingredients. Keyano's devoted research team has scoured the world finding only the most potent and effective ingredients Mother Nature has to offer. Extremely well researched embracing the holistic wisdom of ancient cultures, the knowledge behind Keyano Aromatics active ingredients has been painstakingly gathered and tested from top spas, salons, therapists and healers from around the world.
You have probably seen their blue packaging on the shelves at Shimmer Hair Spa. Some our service providers use products, such as vitamins, from Keyano Aromatics at home that the salon does not retail currently. To check out all the products Keyano Aromatics has to offer just click the link below.
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